Drink only tasty water containing everything important for your body
- Are you interested in quality and composition of water in your pipeline?
- Are you trying to avoid unsuitable or unnecessary filtering of your drinking water?
- Are you interested in providing high-quality hydration for yourself, your animals and plants?
I think we can agree on the fact that people should not drink distilled water.
But what is the quality of the water we drink? Is it really as dirty and toxic as you can ofter read and hear? We know the environment is changing and in some countries, even having a shower in water from distribution line may be toxic. Is it necessary to filter the water? Drinking water in Slovakia comes mainly from ground sources (over 80 percent), less than 20% comes from surface sources. The quality parameters and requirements are clearly set, monitored and results are publicly presented. Shortcomings and exceeding the limits takes place to a minimum extent. It is possible to say that situation with water pollution in
Slovakia is currently positive.
At the national level, the drinking water quality requirements are set by the Act No.
355/2007 Coll. on Protection, Support and Development of Public Health and on
amendments and supplement of certain acts as later amended by the Slovak Government Order No. 354/2006 Coll. laying down the requirements for water intended for human consumption and quality control of water intended for human consumption as amended by the Slovak Government Order No. 496/2010 Coll. If it is different in the area where you live, we recommend to combine ionimax with filtering. Instruction for location of filter and
ionimax is in the enclosed guidelines.