- Do you have any questions regarding chlorine in your water network?
- Are you concerned about taste and quality of such water
- Are you also interested in bacteria content?
- Are you in the decision process of how to treat the water?
- Are you looking for the best possible way for yourself as well as your pets?
Chlorine in Water

Why is actually chlorine added into the water distribution network? Chlorine prevents reproduction of germs of bacteria in water network. It acts similarly to food preservative and guarantees quality of water supplied to customers regarding its cleanliness.
Bacteria as well as other organisms are common in our environment. They are present in air and soil and they could get into water distribution network. Even organic deposits inside the pipelines provide ideal environment for reproduction of bacteria. To keed water free of bacteria, there is 0.1-0.2 milligrams of chlorine per litre added into the water distribution network at various sections. That is one drop of chlorine per 1,000 liters of water, which is approximately five bathtubs, to give you some idea.
Water conditioned by ionimax changes the environment in your water line in such way that presence and reproduction of bacteria measurably decreases. Testing showed more than 10-times smaller presence of bacteria in hot water from pipeline conditioned by ionimax. Similarly, using the ion polarization reduces the layer of sediments on internal pipeline wall, therefore eliminating the environment favourable for reproduction of bacteria. Yet another benefit of ionimax is assisting with release of chlorine from water. Standard methods, generally used to remove chlorine or its taste, are simple leaving to stand for certain period of time, boiling, filtering, chilling or adding a few drops of lemon juice.
Ionimax has similarly positive impacts to release of chlorine from water.
If you are not sure about water conditioning and method of such conditioning, please do not hesitate to contact us.