
Ionic Polarization Equipment – ionimax – is a device for water treatment preventing the limescale build-up, helping with limescale removal and its use provides several other benefits.


Ionimax’s use is really broad.

Predĺženie záruky

Vážený uživateľ a majiteľ zariadení IPP alebo ionimax. Radi by sme Vám ako výrobcovia ponúkli možnosť predlĺženia záruky tohto zariadenia z bežných 24 mesiacov na 5 rokov.

SÚŤAŽ: Vyhrajte svoj vlastný ionimax!

Stačí zodpovedať dve súťažné otázky a správne odpovede budú zaradené do žrebovania 1.6.2017.

Why ionimax?

Unique water treatment system works without maintenance. Check it yourself.


No more limescale

Get rid of limescale and hard water without using chemicals. Take advantage of the most advanced scientific knowledge and ionic polarization of water in ionimax.

Ionimax is a unique water treatment system. A simple “pipe” breaking the limescale, providing vitality and cleanliness to water, saving your money and protecting your appliances and environment.


Ecology and economy go hand in hand. Ionimax helps to protect our environment. You can reduce the use of plastic bottles and bottled water as well as amount of softeners or chemical agents used for cleaning your household. In such way, we can protect our environment together.


Health and Vitality

Are you concerned about health of your family? Ionimax can help you. Water treated by ionic polarization gains many characteristics beneficial for our health. It helps for skin, rheumatic as well as digestive problems, reduces acidity in body and enables more effective egestion of harmful substances. Ionimax helps your body to achieve greater balance and strength. It strengthens metabolism and hydration, enabling you to feel greater energy, stability and vitality.

Protection for Appliances

Water used in your household for washing, cleaning, heating, etc. should not contain a lot of minerals. We wish for it to be softer, more friendly to appliances, distibution lines and devices it flows through. For people’s health, of course, it is more important to drink water containing more minerals, i.e. harder water. How is it possible to combine such diverse requirements? The ideal solution is to use ionimax, water ionizer. Ionimax does not change chemical composition of water within the pipelines. It changes its physical structure. In such way, it is possible to achieve hard water with conditions of soft water – suitable for appliances as well as living organisms.


Health Booster

Boost your health and vitality with ionimax. Ionized water improves metabolism, nutrition absorption and egestion of harmful substances. Detox of organism is easier and more efficient. You will feel the stream of energy and your drinking water conditioned by ioniziation will gradually transform into your health booster.


Ionimax and ionized water save your money. Reduce your expenses for buying the bottled water, washing powders, cleaning agents and softeners. Increase the operating life of your appliances such as washing machine, kettle, water distribution lines and taps, whirlpools and pools. With ionimax, you can behave in “economic as well as ecologic”.




Two ECO® and ionimax® are registered trademarks of Two ECO, s.r.o. We hold various certificates.


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